Conan RPG: Pirate Isles
"The desert wind whips up from the coast of Hyrkania, sending waves of spray over the shielded bulwark to break on the side of your face. Beside you another of the Red Brotherhood laughs with pleasure as the salty sting, gripping his tulwar firmly as your sleek galley closes with the limping merchantman. Soon the waves will run crimson once more as another cargo of booty passes into cut-throat hands.
Know, O reader, that poised within the covers of this tome lie various texts describing all manner of brutal and sadistic sea dogs. From the silk-pantalooned Red Brotherhood to the dusky menace of the Corsairs of the Black Kingdoms, from the swashbuckling rovers of the Barachan Isles to the ruthless privateers of Zingara." (from the back cover)
Pirate Isles is a 128 page soft cover, perfect bound book with color illustrations throughout. Use of this book requires Mongoose Publishing's Conan the Roleplaying Game.