All Wound Up Board Game
Here we list the "wackiest game from Twilight Creations yet," All Wound Up. This race humorous board game features 4 wind up walking zombie racers. The first one to successfully complete the circuit and reach the front gate wins the game. Sounds easy enough, but when your pawn moves itself things do not go quite so simple.
Once you get the chance to play this with some family and friends, you will know why this was a huge hit at Spiel in Essen. The laughter and fun that All Wound Up generates will bring you back to the table again and again.
All Wound Up comes with a four piece (eight sided) modular board, 60 cards, direction markers, ?Brain tokens,? and of course, four wind up zombie Pawns.
The Zombie pawns actually come in six different colors of which each box contains four different colors. The blue zombie above is only an example. The game you get may contain a blue zombie or may not (other colors are red, green, yellow, black, and purple).