WFRP: Sigmar's Heirs
The Definitive Guide to The Empire for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
The storm of Chaos has broken!
The Empire has survived another Chaos Incursion but there will be no peace for Sigmar's Heirs. The northern provinces have been decimated, tens of thousands are dead, cities and towns have been sacked, and famine and disease follow in war's wake. Throughout the provinces prophets of doom predict the end of the world, flagellants and zealots preach blood and redemption, and Chaos cults undermine the foundations of order. This is the Empire in the year 2522, at once the greatest nation in the Old World and the most venerable.
While the Emperor pursues the shattered remnants of Archaon's armies, who will struggle against the enemy within?
Sigmar's Heirs is the definitive sourcebook of the Empire. Inside its pages you'll find:
The Empire is the heart of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and its portrayal is key to the success of any campaign. Sigmar's Heirs is the sourcebook Gamemasters have been waiting for.
For the Empire! For Sigmar! (from the back cover)
This is a 128 page hardcover book with color and black and white illustrations throughout. Use of this book requires the Warhammer FRP Core Book.