Zombies!!! Second Edition Core Game
The sound of scraping feet and raspy moaning can be heard everywhere. The dead walk and they're closing in around you. They're everywhere, at every turn they hound you. Your only chance is the heliport. If you can get there, if your luck will just hold out, then you can escape. Between you and the heliport though are God only knows how many Zombies. Your weapon's magazine is nearly empty and it just keeps getting worse. It seems that you have some competition running towards the same heliport as you. Get there first or get ready for the last dinner guests you're ever going to host.
Already one of the best games we have seen in years, Zombies just got better with the release of this updated and expanded second edition. Based on five years of fan and retail input, Twilight Creations has made a number of improvements including updated and expanded rules, revised and new artwork for map tiles and event cards, red colored heart tokens, both male and female zombies figures, and even a deeper box to hold all of your expansions in one place. Even better, Second edition is completely compatible with all previous expansions!
Easy to learn and play, this game is for 2 to 6 players. The object is to be the first to arrive at the heliport and escape, leaving the other players behind. Along the way, you'll have to move across a tile board that changes every game and get away from the ever present zombies. Players take turns laying tiles for the map, playing cards, and moving zombies. Ultimately, each play is about benefiting you and shafting the other players. Words do not do adequately describe the fun of watching your friends' faces as you close in on the heliport and move zombies to block their path. Even better, the game doesn't end for anyone until the heliport card gets played. Should you become lunch, your human figure moves to the town square and starts fresh with a new chance to win the game.
Zombies comes with 30 map tiles, 50 event cards, 6 plastic shotgun guys, life and ammunition counters, a very easy set of rules, 2 dice, and 100 plastic zombie figures (50 male and 50 female).