AFMBE RPG: Fistful o' Zombies
You've boarded up the cabin tight as you can. You've checked your Peacemaker, your Winchester, and your Remington 10 gauge multiple times. They're out there. Waiting. Waiting for darkness to close in. Savages. They'll slaughter the whole household if old Jake and you can't hold 'em off. Night begins to creep in and with it the first signs of movement out there on the edge of the wood line. As the sun sinks over the horizon there are more and more shadows moving. This sure don't look good. Then the moaning starts and the wave surges out of the woods. Probably hundreds of them. Sure was a lot easier when you only had to worry about outlaws and Indians. Ain't got time to be thinkin' about that now though. Now's time to kill some Zombies.
Fistful o' Zombies takes your All Flesh Must be Eaten game back to the American West. This book has extensive information on the Old West, new archetypes for Western campaigns, four new Deadworld settings with a chapter apiece, three minor settings that could be expanded, and finally a section for converting between AFMBE and Deadlands by Pinnacle Entertainment Group (the author of this book, Shane Lacy Hensley, was the founder of Pinnacle).
This book is everything you need to run your own AFMBE western campaign. Circle the wagons takes on a whole new meaning here. If you're an enthusiast of the Old West and AFMBE, you're not going to want to miss this one.
Fistful o' Zombies is a 142 page soft cover perfect bound book with black and white illustrations.
Use of this book requires the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG or the Deadlands RPG.