Alsace 1945: The German Attack
Along the southern portion of border between France and Germany lay the plain of Alsace and the city of Strasbourg. The province of Alsace and its political capital, Strasbourg, had been annexed by the Germans in 1871, returned in 1918 and retaken by the Germans in 1940. The city in many ways represented the prestige of France and its capture would exercise an immense influence over Allied operations in the battles that raged across the plain in the closing months of the Second World War.
Alsace 1945 covers the American offensives of November and December 1944 and the desperate German counterattack in January. The game system, used previously in America Triumphant, covers these three battles in scenarios requiring only a few hours to play. A fourth scenario covers a hypothetical German attack launched in conjunction with the Ardennes ("Battle of the Bulge") offensive to the north and is capable of being played alone or with America Triumphant.
With 140 game pieces and one 22x17-inch map, the game covers the battles at the regimental and battalion level and includes the effects of outside political and military events, the biggest being the Ardennes offensive. (from the Avalanche Press website).
Avalanche Press is known for its high quality, easy to learn war games with quality maps and counters. Whether you are a Grognard or new to war games, you will appreciate the amount of effort that this company puts into its game.